Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Poster Collage

Why Be An Entrepreneur? Post your collage on your blog. In paragraph and sentence form, explain in detail the reasoning and explanation behind the words that you chose to put on your collage. The explanation must MAKE SENSE and relate to the REWARDS, RISK and CHARACTERISTICS of an ENTRPRENEUR.

My collage has words that represents some of the rewards, risk, and characteristics of an entrepreneur. One word on my collage that represents a reward of being an entrepreneur is revolution. To me revolution means that you completely change something that was old into something totally different. A reward of being an entrepreneur is being creative. If an entrepreneur is creative he/she can come up with an idea that may revolutionize something old. The phrase "Winners & Losers" to me represents the risk of risking one's own investment. When you go into business for yourself there is a risk of losing your investment if your business doesn't succeed, so there's a chance you might be a winner or a loser. A word on my collage that represents a characteristic is craftmanship. To me craftsmanship means you take pride in what you do and have high expectations. A characteristic of an entrepreneur is that he/she is self-demanding. Self-demanding is when you have expectations for yourself. So an entrepreneur that has craftmanship means he/she is self-demanding.

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